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Become a DocLink technical expert and expand your capabilities beyond the basics. Our AAT class will focus on learning methods for creating new processes, building new workflows and using DocLink enterprise-wide in every department, from accounting and sales to HR and legal. Hands-on lessons will cover Smart Form Toolkit, Template Manager, Data Manager, Auto/Retro Index, OCR, Import Manager, Maintenance & Troubleshooting, and more. We offer an intimate classroom setting to ensure you have direct interaction with Altec’s technical team, as well as networking opportunities so you can see and hear how your peers are using DocLink.
"Very well-planned and organized. Customer service was exemplary. I loved connecting with other participants, hearing how they used DocLink and learning from their experiences."
Headset and mic are highly recommended.
DocLink Cloud Training Environment
DocLink Web
Scan Requirements
System Settings
Stamps & Notes
Document Types and Properties
DocLink Security
Smartform Toolkit
Event Manager
ERM Capture
Output Manager
Auto Index & Retro Index
DocLink Mobile
Import Manager
Barcode Manager
OCR Overview
Sr. Software Engineer
Support Director
Customer Account Manager
Director of Professional Services